Kresge Auditorium
This large auditorium seats a maximum of 1226 people, although only 1144 seats are available when the stage is extended over the pit seating section. It is used for concerts, lectures, conferences, plays, and other major events. Food and drinks are not permitted in the auditorium. Special theatrical lighting and other technical requests should be arranged by contacting CAC. The use of musical instruments and music stands is subject to charge and permission must be obtained at least three (3) weeks in advance from the Music and Theater Arts Department. There is a movie screen and slide equipment; however, there are no longer movie projectors in Main Kresge. Audio-Visual services is required for access to the audio booth, slide projection, and/or the public address system. CAC can provide a small self-help audio system with one microphone. If your event requires additional audio-visual services, notify Audio-Visual after you reserve the event space.