Prof. Marshall Van Alstyne, SM ‘91, PhD ‘98
Research Associate
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
Symposium Roles
Speaker/Panelist 2015Panels Participated in
Marshall Van Alstyne is one of the world's foremost experts on platform strategies and network business models . He is a frequent speaker, board level advisor, and consultant to both startups and global firms. His research has received half a dozen academic awards and appeared in top journals such as Science, Nature and Harvard Business Review. Interviews appear regularly across Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio. Van Alstyne is a research scientist at MIT, tenured professor at Boston University, and graduate of Yale and MIT. Consulting includes such firms as British Telecom, Cisco, Haier, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Pearson, and SAP. He holds multiple patents; he was among the first to measure individual dollar output from social networks and IT, and his theories of network businesses are now taught worldwide.
Press Coverage
- TechBytes: Three Takeways from MIT CIO Symposium
- Platform business model picks up steam -- what's the CIO role?
- How CIOs Can Prepare For The Platform Economy
- The Enterprise Transformation Conundrum
- Digital Business Models Take Shape Across--and Among--Industries
- As platform companies take over, how can product companies keep up?