CIO Symposium Contributor


Zoya Kinstler

Symposium Roles

CIO Award Judge 2013, 2014, 2015


Zoya Kinstler specializes in information technology solutions for business projects. As an enterprise architect at Verizon Communications Inc., she designs advanced capabilities for strategic business-to-business systems. Kinstler has twenty years of experience with large-scale enterprise projects and an expertise in information and communications technologies, software engineering, and application integration. Her focus is on building global customer-facing service management tools with the enterprise-grade web and mobile software.

A native of Latvia, Kinstler received an MS in economics and cybernetics from the University of Latvia and a PhD in mathematical economics from Moscow State University. Her research and publications are in the areas of general systems theory, econometrics, and management science.

Kinstler was an assistant professor at Latvia State Executive Education Institute before immigrating to the United States in 1988. In the United States, Kinstler worked as a software engineer in various businesses. During the early years of the dot-com era she was a principal investigator at GTE Laboratories where her team built electronic commerce tools, including the first XML-based online billing solution.

Kinstler teaches a capstone seminar in enterprise systems at Harvard Extension School for the Graduate Information Technology Program. Kinstler is a recipient of the Petra T. Shattuck Excellence in Teaching Award.