Leading Digital: A Manifesto for IT and Business Executives
Kresge Auditorium
4:15PM - 5:15PM
George Westerman, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (@gwesterman) - Moderator
Anthony Christie, SF ‘98, Level 3 Communications (@ADCCMO)
Brian Tilzer, CVS Health (#BrianTilzer)
Craig Stephenson, Korn Ferry (#CraigStephenson)
Michael Nilles, Schindler Group (@MichaelNilles)
Fueled by mobility, analytics, social media, cloud computing, and embedded devices, companies in every industry are mapping their way through the digital realm. Yet some firms are far outpacing others in their ability to derive new value from digital technology. These companies, in industries from banking to paint manufacturing, outperform their competitors and fight off digital startups. What is the difference? Digital Masters do more than just adopt technology. They transform their businesses through smart digital investment and strong leadership of change. IT executives have essential roles to play in digital transformation. This panel, which consists of CIOs and thought leaders from a range of industries, will show you how to be part of the strategic digital conversation.